Sponsorships & Donations

15th Annual Fashion Fundraiser
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Crystal Tea Room  I  The Wanamaker Bldg.  I  6pm to 9pm

Supporting the mission of Jefferson Methodist Hospital including its Wound Healing Center

Questions: 215.952.9006 or email   •  We are an IRS code 501-c(3) non-profit institution. 

VIEW – Ad Spec Sheet

VIEW – Sponsorship Form

ALL Major Credit Cards Accepted

Presenting Sponsor (1 available) Includes: Two tables of 10 seats each with premier seating • Newspaper full-page ad - South Philly Review (included in 3 issues - 64,000 readers per issue), 4-color logo or name on ad and 20-25 words to highlight a service, product or general information, Name/logo on program book cover, Full-page ad in program book, Visual and verbal recognition during the event, Prominent display and your link on the Foundation website
Includes: Table of 10 seats with premier seating, Newspaper full-page ad - South Philly Review (included in 2 issues - 64,000 readers per issue), 4-color logo or name on ad and 20-25 words to highlight a service, product or general information, Name/logo on program book inside front cover, Full-page ad in program book, Visual and verbal recognition during the event, Prominent display and your link on the Foundation website
Includes: Table of 10 seats with premier seating, Newspaper full-page ad - South Philly Review (included in 1 issue - 64,000 readers per issue), 4-color logo or name on ad, Visual and verbal recognition during the event, Full-page ad in program book, Name and link on the Foundation website
Includes: Table of 10 seats with preferred seating, Visual and verbal recognition during the event, Half-page ad in program book, Name and link on the Foundation website
Includes: Table of 10 seats with preferred seating, Visual recognition during the event, Quarter-page ad in program book
Includes: Table of 10 seats, Name listed in program book

Accepted Formats: EPS, JPG, PDF, TIFF
Submit your ad to kristen.resh@jefferson.edu
All ads must be submitted by Monday, September 2, 2024

Size: 5.5in wide by 8.5in high
Size: 5.5in wide by 4in high
Size: 2.5in wide by 4in high
Make your Donation in Honor of Someone (Your name, but not your gift amount will appear next to their name in our Program Book)

screen-shot-2016-11-25-at-2-39-01-pmOnce you Click Submit below,  please allow 10 seconds and you will be redirected to PayPal who will secure your credit card information.